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The Pune trip


Leaving for the trip it's gonna be a blast,

We're gonna savour every moment until the last.

Once we reached, mishaps occurred

But still overcome with excitement we all slurred.   


Long bus rides we had to bear,

But complain about It we would not dare.

We had too much fun along the way

So making noise would ruin the day.

Spending time with all our friends,

Having fun would never end!



You’d think a hearty meal would end the night?

You’ll be surprised to see that you’re definitely not right.

Wholesome food was just the start,

For talking all night was the best part.


During the day was fun as well

But the weather was hot and that wasn’t swell.

Soon the end came and it was awfully sad

Saying goodbye was tremendously bad.

But an amazing time we all had for sure

New experiences Like this we definitely can’t wait for!



On halloween we have a party in school every year all the children dress up and come to school. We dress up as any thing we want and if you don't want to it is your wish, on this day we bring our own food and music and have a blast with our friends.

Diwali Write-up


Diwali, the Indian festival of lights, was celebrated this year in school with our parents. This year we had set up stalls in the school selling food, art and crafts and we had also made games for both adults and children. We the middle schoolers, had been in charge of the milkshake stall. In this stall we had three flavours of milkshakes. Strawberry, Chocolate and Coffee. We also had a Mojito. This diwali we also lit a lot of diyas. A LOT. We also had this dance performance by the junior primary class.

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